A Call For Symmetry

A healthy human can express both compassion and aggression

When humanity lives out of balance, women, men, children, organizations, countries and the environment suffer deeply.

Healthy human beings have a levelness in human traits that one could categorize as being feminine and masculine. While there is an abundance of masculine traits being expressed these days, there is a conspicuous lack and a deep need for the feminine skill set to express more fully in people, businesses, organizations, and countries if we are to achieve what we aim over the next decade.

Over-weighted masculine approaches to business, the environment and government are pillaging our very existence and those who share this planet. Masculine energy given unbridled expression shows up as intellect (which is fine until it is touted as the ONLY valid source of information), power, dominance, aggression, activity, competition and consumption in all of its forms. These characteristics are all needed and valid to express as human beings. But when they are the only vehicle by which we travel through life, we miss half of what is needed to be human and to create a community or society worth living in. It is important to remember that masculinity as a sole expression can be adopted by both genders through cultural norms. As such it becomes the dominant way of being in business, medicine, politics, communications, defense, and religion. And because of this energetic imbalance, things are getting down right dangerous for humanity. We have seen this before and we are seeing it now.

I teach risk management. One might think that masculine traits are what are needed in highly technical and consequential situations. The truth is that they are. But feminine human traits like sensitivity, empathy, support, creativity, genesis, stillness and intuition, are of critical importance. There is no such thing as being too sensitive in a complex hazardous environment. Capturing nuance is everything in risk decision making and having a team of highly creative and supportive individuals is a recipe for success. We live in a time when we need these skill sets to express more than ever to put humanity back in balance.

Wholeness. It is the charge of every human being to develop an entire compliment of human traits, to be a fully functioning human being. Balance is how we achieve safety, for ourselves, others, at work, from medicine, in our communities, from our governments, and for our home planet.



Post Traumatic Growth


Healing the Heart of Adventure.